Bulk Solutions news
2012 08 09
Supervising the construction of two SYMAGA silos, diameter 21,39 meter, height 14 rings, complete with catwalks and conveyors on top
2012 10 01
Optimizing capacaty on a minor ingreedients system
2012 10 26
Bulk truck loading system
2012 12
Steel Construction for warehouse
2013 01
Grain pipe parts
2013 01
Feed Mixer in stainless steel to Norway
2013 05
Installation of four hopper-scales (KSE) and four new 200 t/h chainconveyors (BUHLER)
in Moss Norway
2013 06
Mixer-installation in Stange Norway
2013 07
Manufacturing of details to grainhandling clients in Norway and Sweden
2013 08
Designing, manufacturing and installation of a scalingstation for molasses. Complete
turn-key process line, to Moss Norway
2014 01
Service and maintenance to the largest grainhandling and feedstuff-producer in Norway
2014 03
A new plasma cnc cutter table in the workshop
Installation and site-management of a new feed-mill to the same Norwiegian client
Installation and site-management new feed-mill Norway
Service and maintenance, grain handling plants in Norway and Sweden
Sub-supplier works from the workshop
Conveyors and process machinery on a poultry slaughter house
Sub-supplier works from the workshop
Conveyors and process machinery on a poultry slaughter house
Sub-supplier works from the workshop
Conveyors and process machinery on a poultry slaughter house
Maintenance works on paper-mills and saw-mills
New cnc system installed on our press-brake